All authors of the manuscript submitted to the International Journal of Environmental and Rural Development must have agreed to its submission and are responsible for its content including appropriate citations and acknowledgments, and must also have agreed that the corresponding author has the authority to act on their behalf in all matters pertaining to publication of the manuscript. The corresponding author is responsible for obtaining such agreements.
By submission of a manuscript to the journal, the authors guarantee that they have the authority to publish the work and the manuscript, or one with substantially the same content, was not published previously.
Preparation of Manuscript
The manuscript should include the following components, title, author(s) name and affiliation, abstract, keywords, introduction, methodology, results, discussion, conclusion, acknowledgement (if any) and references. Template for writing manuscript in MS-Word format can be downloaded here. Before the manuscript is published, the editorial board of the journal sends it to the referees for review. Reviewers review the manuscript from the view points of accuracy, importance, format style or originality. The manuscript may be suggested for revisions.
Corresponding author is requested to respond to any question or comments even after the publication. So, researcher or staff of the institution is recommended to take a role of corresponding author.
*Please follow Detailed Instruction for Authors
*Manuscript Template (MS-Word format)
Submission of Manuscript
Authors are requested to download the template for preparing the manuscript.
Please send a completed manuscript from Google Forms (
Editor in Chief, Prof. Dr. Machito Mihara
International Journal of Environmental and Rural Development.
The certificate of English reviewing by native tongue should be attached with your manuscript.
Submission Fees and Payment
This journal charges the following manuscript submission fee.
- Manuscript submission fee (within 6 pages): 300.00 (USD).
- Extra page fee: 100.00 (USD) per page.
Submitting authors are required to pay manuscript submission fee as a part of the submission process. Participants to ICERD are requested to pay the submission fee via the method as we guided [Details].
Review Process
The manuscript submitted for publication is reviewed by at least two reviewers (double blind peer reviewing). Reviewers review the manuscript from the view points of accuracy, importance, format style or originality. The editor also screen the manuscript based on the comments from reviewers and decide Accepted, Minor revision, Major revision or Reject. Reviewed manuscript is sent back to the corresponding author along with comments from both editor and reviewers. The corresponding author is requested to revise manuscript and send back the manuscript by e-mail to
Review Time: 0.5-3 months averagely
Rejection Rate: 23% averagely